How can you slash your summer electricity bill in Pittsburgh, PA?
As the summer heat rises, so do your electricity bills. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects a 3% increase on electricity spending this summer compared to 2017. So what can you do to slash your bill and make some savings? Let’s take a look at five ways you can cut down on your energy rates in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1. Cook outdoors and save money
When you cook inside, the heat puts a large drain on your air-conditioning system as it tries to combat the rise in temperature. A simple solution is to switch to the occasional cold meals, such as sandwiches or salads, and if you need to cook something, head outside! Save money on your energy rates by firing up the grill and enjoying a hot meal in the comfort of your backyard!
2. Wash and dry clothes during off-peak hours
Another way to save money on your electric bills is to run electricity-intensive appliances at night. Electric companies charge lower rates during off-peak hours, so take advantage of this by running the washing machine and dryer during these times. Most of the energy for washing clothes is used to heat the water. You can save even more money washing in cold water and then your hanging clothes out to dry in the sun.
3. Unplug your electronics
Your TV, computer and game consoles go into standby mode when they’re off so they are still using electricity when they’re plugged in. Unplug them when you’re not using them, or if that’s too much hassle, save on your energy bill by plugging them into a power strip that you can turn off with a single switch when you go to bed at night. Less electricity running means less heating up in the house.
4. Turn the AC off and your fans on
Air conditioners are convenient but expensive. Cut your electric bill by running a fan instead. Fans don’t reduce room temperature but they help your body cool naturally. If you don’t have overhead fans, you can use an oscillating fan with the windows open and start saving money right away.
5. Close the shades and curtains
By keeping your shades, blinds or curtains down during the day you’ll be keeping the sun from shining through the windows, which heats up the house very quickly. A very simple step, but it can help you make noticeable savings on your summer electricity bills.
Slash that cooling bill and save with PA Energy Ratings!
By implementing these five steps you can save on your electric bills and get the most out of your summer. And if you’re looking for even cheaper Pittsburgh electricity rates, you can head over to https://www.paenergyratings.com/electricity-rates to learn more and compare plans.