Protect Your Home and Wallet from Cold Weather

Winter has arrived with a vengeance! The Polar Vortex has stretched across the US this weekend, dropping temperatures and bringing some of the worst winter weather seen in decades. And PA is no exception to this- more snow, heavy mixed precipitation, high winds, and temperates in the single digits are expected this week. There are already alarms being raised about the cold weather advisory straining the electrical grid. But thankfully, you can be prepared. Here’s what you need to know to keep your home warm and save with the best electric supplier.
Stay Warm and Save Money
Keeping warm doesn’t have to break the bank. Firstly, set your thermostat to 68 degrees. Lowering your thermostat by even a few degrees can save on your electricity bill. Also, dress in layers. Start with an under layer of snug, moisture wicking fiber. Then put on an over layer of loose, heavy clothing will keep your body’s warmth radiating close to your skin.
There are cheap, short-term ways to insulate your home as well. Cover windows during harsh cold snaps. Use heavy curtains, blankets, or even shrink wrap plastic. These are quick and effective ways to reduce drafts and heat loss.
Stop Drafts to Save Energy
Sealing air leaks in your home keeps the bitter cold and humid air outside. So your home stays at a comfortable temperature more easily. And caulking air leaks is an easy DIY project, that can save you 10%-20% on your energy bill! And it’s easy to find air leaks when it’s cold outside.
You can check for air leaks using a candle or incense. Hold the candle or incense near potential air leak points, such as dryer vents, attic hatches, and outdoor faucets. If the smoke moves unsteadily or flame flickers, you likely have a leak on your hands. Also consider an infrared thermometer with humidity sensor, such as this one. As a bonus it can be used for cooking!
Cold air and drafts can also seep in through the smallest spaces in your home. That includes seeping around windows, doors, and even around plumbing. Use caulk and weatherstripping make sure windows and doors close up snug. Check over plumbing areas where cold air can sneak in. You can use caulk or expanding foam to seal around pipes.
Stay Safe and Warm During Polar Blast
Heating your home safely is important. If you have a natural gas stove or oven, do not use it to heat your home as it will give off dangerous carbon monoxide. Instead, rely on space heaters or fireplaces and be sure to keep drapes, bedding, or furniture 3 feet away from them. Make sure your CO and fire alarms are up to date. And finally, if you’re using a kerosene heater or fireplace, keep your home well ventilated.
Losing electricity during a winter storm can be scary. During winter power outage, block off unused rooms and gather everyone together in one room in the center of your home. This way you can conserve heat and monitor each for signs of hypothermia and frostbite. Keep blankets, flashlights, and batteries on hand. And if your home’s temperature falls too low to be safe, move to a community warming center.
Keep Warm and Your Winter Electric Bills Low
Keeping up with winter weather is hard enough, you shouldn’t have to worry about your electricity rate too. If you want to find the best electricity rate, we have the solution for you. Browse reviews, find a great electricity rate, and save money this winter. Visit