Do PA Data Center Costs Outweigh the Benefits?

PA already has 71 data centers, with most found in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. More coming our way. According to one northern Virginia study, Data centers can benefit local economies. They raise local tax revenue, as well as bring in jobs. However, they can also bring trouble with their hunger for electricity. We’re here to explain how more data centers could affect cheap electricity. And, how you can keep your electricity rate low.
Data Centers are Changing the Electricity Market
The U.S. electric grid was first built to rely on a steady, baseload supply of energy. This was to keep factories running ’round the clock. That gradually disappeared during the 1970s. For the last twenty years, grid strategy has shifted to meeting electricity demand. As a result, the main focus fell on building power plants work that varied their output. Ironically, with more electric vehicles, crypto, and especially data centers, the need for baseload power has now returned.
Data Centers Driving Increased Utility Costs
The need for baseload power comes with a heavy cost. Data centers sucked up nearly 25 GW of power in 2024. And by 2025, their power needs could rise to 80 GW. As local utilities struggle to meet power needs, they’re turning to two solutions: nuclear energy and natural gas.
Unfortunately, new nuclear plants are costly to build and bring on-line. Currently, there’s a plan to restart Three Mile Island, a move that’s cheaper than building a new plant. But for the most part, that leaves natural gas as the quickest way to supply power. But building new plants is also costly. In addition, new powerines and substations must be built to supply data centers. Remember that public utilities are allowed by the state to earn a return on their grid/network maintenance and expansion. So even if you shopped for the best energy supplier, they can pass these costs on to your electricity bills.
Utilities Struggling to Keep Electricity Affordable
To be sure, data centers, crypto mining, and AI facilities are quickly new power demands on US grids. So, US utilities are struggling to keep electric prices low for home owners. That’s been painfully true in PA. The state retired more plants over the past 10 years than it has replaced. And at the same time, regulators have been slogging through a backlog of new plants waiting approval. So meeting the current demand has already been a problem. Recently, the PA PUC held a conference on getting more power plants online. And while the state is working on programs to help affordability, it make not be enough.
This increase in power needs could bring your electricity bill up by another 2% annually. That’s on top of the already expected 10-20% increase expected next year.
Keep Your PA Electricity Rate Low
With more data centers on the way, this problem isn’t going to resolve itself any time soon. So what can you do in the meantime to keep your bill low? The easiest solution is to shop for an affordable fixed rate plan. Read reviews and find the right provider for you. Visit