PPL Electric Rates to Increase

If PPL is your electricity provider, get ready for higher electric rates! But it’s not the time to freeze in place. Now’s the time to shop for a low price electricity plan from one of many electric companies in your area. With temperatures rising, you may find your electricity usage rising, too. So with PPL hiking PA electric rates nearly 40%, don’t snooze on finding a new low price electric plan.
PPL Rates Increase June 1
Currently, the PPL residential price to compare (PTC) rate is 8.941 cents per kWh. On June 1, PPL will raise it to 12.366 cents per kWh and keep it in effect through November 30. PPL’s increase follows on higher natural gas prices going into the upcoming summer season. It could also reflect the effect of Pennsylvania’s new charges on generator plants for carbon emissions . The bottom line is that PPL’s PTC rate will see a big jump in price. So, you’ll want to jump out of PPL’s PTC rate and into a fixed rate plan.
Find a New Plan with a Low Rate
One of the best ways to avoid rate increase drama is to lock in a low price fixed-rate plan. When you shop for an electricity plan and review electric companies, you’ll see just how many excellent options are available. You can pick the term length you like and the rate that works best for your budget. Many electricity companies also offer money-saving rewards programs, so you might save extra money this way, too. Just make sure to take note of any early termination fee or monthly recurring charges that could drive up the overall price.
Current rates are low but they could increase in June as well. Don’t wait, lock in a low rate plan before the hot summer months arrive. While there’s no absolute guarantee of what natural gas prices will do, electricity prices are projected to rise 4.6% this year. Therefore, play it safe and lock in a low rate while rates are still low!
Lock in a Low Rate Today
Don’t let a high rate PPL plan or other variable rate electricity plan get you heated! Find a cheap fixed-rate plan today and lock the price in for a specific number of months. Compare electricity plans and see which option is best for your home.
Visit https://www.paenergyratings.com to review available plans and sign up for the best electricity plan today.